Enjoying Halloween with Your Pets
If you are a pet owner who loves celebrating Halloween, then you are probably excited to get your pet involved in the fun activities you have planned. Halloween is a great time to get together with friends, dress up and get into the spirit of things, but it is also a time when you need to be extra protective of your pets.
Although the majority of people celebrate Halloween in a safe way, there are others who are less considerate towards pet safety. From loud fireworks to people playing Halloween pranks, you should take extra measures to protect your pets from any unexpected incidents!
Here are some tips for enjoying a safe Halloween with your pets:
Dressing up
You can get some fun Halloween costumes for your dog to wear but you should make sure that the outfit does not irritate them such as restricting movement or getting tangled up. A comfortable costume can help to keep your dog warm if you are planning on taking them out trick or treating. Buying high-quality costumes that fit like a jacket or full-body suit are safer and warmer than ones that have loose parts or dangling accessories.
Make sure that the costume is not made of any toxic materials in case your dog tries to chew and swallow part of the costume. Some dogs do not enjoy being dressed up, so try to gauge whether your dog is happy wearing a costume by monitoring their behaviour, and removing it if they seem unhappy. They may also be unsettled by you or anyone else wearing costumes, so be aware of that too.
Check the treats
At Halloween, there are usually lots of sweets and treats flying around, with some of them potentially dangerous for your dogs, and other pets. It’s important to check any treats that either come into your home, are left on the floor, or that people try to give to your pet. Sweets that are high in sugar can cause vomiting and diarrhoea while sweets that contain xylitol, chocolate or raisins can be as serious as a fatality for your dogs. Get some dog-friendly treats ready for your pet on Halloween so they are not tempted to eat other treats.
Avoid going out if fireworks are being set off
With Halloween being so close to Bonfire Night, it is common for fireworks to be set off a week early, so make sure your dog is inside if loud fireworks are going off nearby. Keeping the curtains closed, with the lights and TV on will help to protect your dog from the noise and flashes of firework bangs.
If you are considering taking your dog trick or treating, you should consider how sociable they are, as some dogs will love the fun of walking from door to door, while others will be much happier at home in their familiar setting.
We hope you and your pets have a fun and safe Halloween!