For many people, Bonfire Night is an exciting time but for pet owners and their pets, it can be very stressful. Loud bangs that continue all night can frighten your pets and the stress can be extreme. It is usually not just the one night you have to worry about either, as inconsiderate people may set off fireworks for several weeks around Bonfire Night.
Knowing how to keep your pet protected from the loud firework noises will help to make this year’s Bonfire Night a less stressful one for them. Dogs hear more than twice the frequencies of humans, so a loud bang to us is significantly amplified to them. The unpredictable timing of fireworks makes them even more difficult for your dog to cope with.
Here are some top tips for protecting your pet around Bonfire Night:
Make sure your dog’s collar and microchip are up to date
Choose walking times carefully so that they are less likely to be affected by people setting off fireworks and make sure that your dog’s collar and microchip are up to date in case they get startled while you are out for a walk.
Play white noise or put the TV/radio on
You can drown out some of the sound of fireworks by playing sound through the TV or radio, playing white noise can also be more calming for your pet. Don’t leave your dog on their own unless it is completely necessary to leave the house, as your presence or the comfort of having another family member at home should reassure them if they hear fireworks going off.
Create a safe space
A few weeks prior to Bonfire Night, set up a space in a room that will be the quietest. Put lots of comforting accessories and toys in their safe space and make it as comfortable as possible with bedding and blankets. On Bonfire Night, if your dog goes into their crate, putting a dark blanket over the crate can help to block out bright flashes as well as providing some extra soundproofing.
Distract your dog from noises
Spend time playing with your dog and trying to distract them from the noise by giving them a chew toy or playing with their favourite toys. Look for signs that your dog is stressed, such as hiding, shaking, poor appetite and behaving clingy; if they are the latter then look to give them lots of attention.
Speak to your vet
Some dogs are not very affected or are only mildly affected by the sound of fireworks, while others will suffer from severe stress. If your dog has historically shown signs that they are very stressed and anxious when fireworks are going off, you should talk to your vet about whether a medication would be suitable and they may prescribe something.
Close your curtains
Make sure all your curtains are fully closed so that the bright flashes of the fireworks are blocked out and keep your lights on. This should aid in reducing the startle factor, as the flash won’t be as big of a change from the already lit-up room.