We all know the feeling when we’ve had a bad nights sleep and we suffer the consequences, the same goes for our beloved pets and its you who will have a grumpy pooch on your hands.

On average, our pets spend between 12 to 18 hours of their day asleep … we know lucky them!

This is why it is so important that they have a bed that is comfortable and that they feel secure in.

They need a bed that ticks all of the boxes as they have such a significant impact on their home life, a bed provides them with a safe space that they see as their own and can use to take time out when needed.

The key points to consider when choosing a bed for your dog is the size, your pets sleeping behaviour and creating a comfortable space.

Most importantly, a dog bed needs to be big enough for them to easily lie in all their favourite positions (this is where their sleeping behaviour comes in), whilst having an area that isn’t overwhelming and is small enough to create a secure and cosy environment.

All our beds are available in a small, medium and large but can all be custom made to the sizes you need from depth and width to leg height, we will make a bed to exactly how your dog wants and needs it!

Our premium style bed, has three larger sides and a smaller lip at the front for entry and exiting. This bed is ideal for dogs who like to sleep curled up or with lots of blankets as you have the enclosed unit to do so.

This bed feels stable and reliable for your pet which is perfect for dogs who find bed time anxious or for older or less mobile dogs as there is no risk of injuries from falling out of the bed etc.

Whereas, our platform bed is the best option for your pet if they like to stretch out when they’re asleep. This flat, open space gives your dog an abundance of space to spread themselves out for a good nights sleep.

This style is great if your pooch uses their bed a lot in the day as it allows them to have a space to themselves whilst not being too isolated from what’s going on in their home. A great way to introduce a new pet to the family as they have the freedom to remove themselves without feeling they can only use their bed for sleeping.

Both our beds are chew proof which installs a good habit of not destroying their bed and other belongings and saves you money as this is a buy once item. They’re also water and chemical resistant making an easy clean environment for the odd accidents, creating a long-lasting, hygienic bed set up for your pet.

Key benefits of a dog bed:

  • Contributing to health and comfort
  • Easing feelings of stress and anxiety
  • Improving the training process
  • Offering quality sleep
  • Preserving condition of human furniture
  • Preventing behavioural issues

To buy yours today, head over to our website.




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